The benefits of buying from Stablemaster
- Accredited Engineer on staff to explain any design aspects (Member of Institute of Engineers)
- Versatility to handle large size project customise any design
- Commerical, Industrial, Residential or Rural
- Friendly and professional staff who follow-up
- Part of a large trusted buying group
- Australian designed and made
- Delivery to your door
- Detailed Plans ready for council submission
- Obligation free quotes
- Post sales customer care
- Guaranteed for 15 years
- DIY project or built for you.
- A team of reliable contractors
Mission Statement
What we do:
Stablemaster Australia Pty Ltd has been operating for more than 20 years, in the steel frame building industry. Its durability is testament to a long-standing history of reliability that has proven our Company to be a professional ‘business partner’.
Our portfolio boasts large commercial and industrial sheds in partnership with various industries and government departments, in areas such as primary industries, mining, transport, storage, various education departments, along with many more.
Stablemaster is a small and cohesive team of Engineering and Sales staff, with a strong focus on quality, safety and ultimately customer service. Whilst we operate independently, we do partner with businesses who we deem worthy of the Stablemaster seal of approval. These businesses provide us with products that are guaranteed to be of the highest calibre.
As proud members of the Institution of Engineers Australia, this professional membership ensures our knowledge and practices are current.
Feel free to browse the websites of Stablemaster and those of our partners to explore the range of products we utilise in all our constructions.